Sunday, April 26, 2015

Disconnecting: When to Unplug in a Digital World

The world, although so connected through technology and digital platforms, is becoming more and more disconnected to reality. 

If you're in public, look around. Chances are you will see at least one person on their phone, laptop, iPad, etc. You're one of them as you read this post. 

Next time you're out with friends, I challenge you to put your phone away. 

When you show up, do you really show up? Are you present in body, but not mind? Is your device and the online world creating a buffer between you and the moment you're in? Are you missing out? 

In February, various media sites published articles and news about a man who was too glued to his phone that he missed a miraculous moment. 

How many moments have you missed because you had to creep on your ex's Facebook profile?

I've been guilty of this. Sometimes I'm on two devices at once. Once and a while I stop, think to myself how excessive it is, and disconnect. 

One thing I love to do when out to eat with friends is stack all of our phones in the corner of the table. If someone looks at their phone before the check comes, they have to pay for everyone's meal. 

Out of sight, out of mind is a useful tactic when trying to disconnect. Spending even just an hour away from your phone helps to clear the mind and focus on other things that you may have missed. When I first started going to workout at my local gym, I would leave my phone in my locker. At first this stressed me out. I had things to do. What if my parents called me? What if my boss needs something? What if a friend needs me there?

Thankfully, I really only enjoy to swim when I workout so this really makes me disconnect. I try not to look at the clock. I just go. After I am through, I feel so much more focused and clear not only because I worked out, but I got away from the presence of my phone and a world that takes away from reality. 

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